Chinnakalayamputhur is a town panchayat situated in the Dindigul locale of Tamil-Nadu state,India. The scope 10.457829 and longitude 77.499469 are the geocoordinate of the Chinnakalayamputhur. Chennai is the state capital for Chinnakalayamputhur town. It is situated around 422.3 kilometer far from Chinnakalayamputhur.. The other closest state capital from Chinnakalayamputhur is Thiruvananthapuram and its separation is 215.7 KM. The other surrouning state capitals are Thiruvananthapuram 215.7 KM., Bangalore 280.3 KM., Pondicherry 303.0 KM.,
- City Code:624615
- Availability:Not Registered Yet
- Ex Tax:₹25,000.00